Krasznahorkai László: Biography

László Krasznahorkai (Gyula, 5 January 1954

Kossuth and Attila József Prize-winning writer. Member of the Digital Literature Academy since 2004.


1960–1968: Primary school, Gyula

1968–1972: Erkel Ferenc High School, Latin class, Gyula

1969–1971: Pianist of the beat band Flamingo

1973–1976: József Attila Univiersity, Faculty of Law, Szeged

1976–1978: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest 

1977: First Publication: I Believed In You (Tebenned hittem)

1977–1982: Documentarist at Gondolat Publishing House

1978–1983: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Hungarian and Cultural Studies (thesis on the emigration career of Sándor Márai)

1985: First publication of the novel Satantango (Sátántangó)

1986: First publication of the short story collection Relations of Grace (Kegyelmi viszonyok)

1987: Premiere of the film based on the screenplay of Damnation (Kárhozat), directed by Béla Tarr

1988: German-language publication of Relations of Grace

1989: Release of the novel The Melancholy of Resistance (Az ellenállás melankóliája)

Film adaptation of the short story The Last Boat (Az utolsó hajó), directed by Béla Tarr)

Guest of the Literarisches Colloquium in Berlin 

1990: Travels in Mongolia and China

German-language release of Satantango

1992: German-language publication of the collection of short stories The Prisoner of Urga (Az urgai fogoly)

German-language publication of The Melancholy of Resistance

Journey on a cargo ship on the Atlantic; Madeira

Guest at Villa Waldberta, Lake Starnberg, Munich 

1993: Publication of the volume The Theseus Universal. Secret Academic Lectures (A Théseus-általános. Titkos akadémiai előadások)

German-language publication of The Prisoner of Urga

1992–1998: European and American travels for War and War (Háború és háború) (Detroit, New York, Copenhagen, Helsingør, Cologne, London, Crete, Venice, Rome, etc.)

1994: Premiere of the film adaptation of the novel Satantango, directed by Béla Tarr

1996: Guest of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin

Travels to Bosnia

1997: Travels to Japan

1998: Publication of the short story Isaiah Has Come (Megjött Ézsaiás)

Publication of The Melancholy of Resistance in English

Travels to China

Guest of the Civitella Ranieri Center, Umbria (Italy)

1999: Publication of the novel War and War in Hungarian and German

Publication of a reportage on his trip to China, Only the Starry Sky (Csak a csillagos ég, in German and Spanish)

2000: Release of War and War on CD-ROM in Hungarian and German

Release of The Melancholy of Resistance in the US

Six-month fellowship in Japan (Kyoto)

2001: Release of Six in the Evening: Some Free Openings (Este hat, néhány szabad megnyitás), a book of art writings

Release of his essay about his trip to Japan, Going Mad in Paradise (Megőrülni a Paradicsomban, in Japanese and German)

Premiere of the film Werckmeister Harmonies, based on The Melancholy of Resistance, directed by Béla Tarr

Publication of Satantango in Bulgarian and French and The Melancholy of Resistance in Spanish

One-year scholarship in Switzerland

2002: Travels in China

2003: Publication of the novel A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East (Északról hegy, Délről tó, Nyugatról utak, Keletről folyó)

Publication of the interview collection Krasznahorkai Conversations (Krasznahorkai beszélgetések)

Soros Foundation Writers’ Prize

2004: Publication of the documentary novel Destruction and Sorrow Under the Sky (Rombolás és bánat az Ég alatt)

Member of the Digital Literature Academy

2005: six-month fellowship in Japan (Kyoto)

2006: Publication of the novel War and War in English by New Directions, New York

Writing of the screenplay The Man from London with Béla Tarr based on George Simenon’s crime novel

Curator of the Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin

Publication of the novel The Melancholy of Resistance in French by Gallimard, Paris

The novel A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East published in Japanese by Shoraisha, Kyoto

The novel War and War published in German by S. Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt am Main

2007: Publication of the new edition of the novel Satantango by Ammann Verlag, Zurich

The novel A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East is published in German by S. Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt am Main

A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East is the ‘Book of the Month’ in Germany

Main Curator of the Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin

Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Invitation from Cornell University, Ithaca, USA 2008

2008: Invitation from the Ortega Munoz Foundation to Spain

Guest at the Leukerbad Literary Festival, Switzerland

Curator of the Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin

Publication of the short story collection Seiobo There Below (Seiobo járt odalent) by Magvető Publishing, Budapest

A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East published in Czech by Mlada Fronta, Prague

The CD project War Architecture, produced by the Budapest Music Center, in which the author narrates his novel War and War

2009: Prologue to Isaiah Has Come is published in Spanish by Acantilado, Barcelona

Publication of the novel War and War in Spanish by Acantilado, Barcelona

Publication of The Last Wolf (Az utolsó farkas) by the Ortega Munoz Foundation, Badajoz; book launch in Badajoz and Madrid

Lecture on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Conference with Antonio Tabucchi, Adam Michnik, Jiří Dienstbier and Norman Manea (San Sebastian, Spain).

The Last Wolf published by Magvető, Budapest

The Last Wolf published in English by Words Without Borders, USA

Publication of the essay On Speed in Tate Modern's How is it for the exhibition Mirosław Bałka, London

Travels in Portugal, Spain and China

Readings in Pécs and Szeged

Elected as a full member of the Széchenyi Academy of Literature and Art

2010: Collaboration with Max Neumann and Ornan Rotem on the AnimalInside project

Invitation from Stanford University

Participation in the PEN Word Voices festival in New York (with Patti Smith, Salman Rushdie and others)

Seiobo There Below takes second place in the Bestenliste in Germany

Readings in Zagreb, Fiume, Berlin, Leukerbad, Erlangen, Elmau, Zurich, Paris, Darmstadt, Munich, Budapest, Krakow and several Romanian cities

Invitation from the Almost Island Project (New Delhi)

Visits Ukraine

Writing the books There Is No Question, There Is No Answer (Nem kérdez, nem válaszol) and The World Goes On (Megy a világ)

2011: Film interview about Miklós Mészöly

Writing the book The World Goes On

Reading in Veszprém

Conversation about Seiobo There Below with János Szegő and Heike Flemming in the Petőfi Literary Museum

Barbara Epler visits the author in Hungary

Reading tour in France (Bordeaux, Strassbourg, Tours, Paris)

Polish and Israeli editions of War and War

French edition of Theseus General

French edition of The Melancholy of Resistance, paperback edition in Germany

Interview with Sharmishta Mohanty for Almost Island

Publication of There Is No Question, There Is No Answer in Budapest

Publication of James Wood’s article in The New Yorker

Visits the Spycher Prize Centre (Leuk, Switzerland)

Reading at the Edinburgh Festival

Opening of the Bizottság-exhibition (with Ottó Tolnai) at the Kunsthalle in Budapest

Travels to Istanbul

Interview in Haaretz (Tel Aviv)

Talk at Corvinus University

Talk at the Austro-Hungarian Literary Conference in Szeged

Saving the library: a conversation with actor György Cserhalmi and literary historian László Szörényi at the Szentendre Municipal Library which was to be closed by the authorities

Meeting in Budapest with Mama from Beijing

2012: French premiere of The Well-Tempered Clavier, a play based on music by J. S. Bach and László Krasznahorkai’s narrative The Melancholy of Resistance, at MC93 Bobigny (Paris)

German premiere of the play at Schaubühne (Berlin)

László Krasznahorkai from the inside. The author, among his doctors. Extraordinary talk at the Petőfi Literary Museum

Talk and reading at the József Attila High School

Publication of Satantango in the United States and the Netherlands

Talk and reading in Oradea

Publication of the paperback of Seiobo There Below in Germany

Interview in Haaretz

Interview in The Million Travel in Israel

The 3rd edition of Satantango in the United States and the Netherlands

Article in The Guardian about the New York reading

Reading at the Edinburgh Book Festival (Aberfeldy)

Post-production of Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens for Seagull Press

Nomination for the Angelus Prize for War and War (Poland)

Romanian edition of Satantango

Essay in The New York Times

Joint programme with Colm Tóibín at the London Review Bookstore

2013: Trip to Rome – Villa Borghese, Fra Angelico

Visit to Vienna – Japanese exhibition at the Leopold Museum

Writing the revised edition of Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens

Revisions for the Hungarian edition of The World Goes On

Invitation to Almost Island Dialogues (Delhi)

Reading at the Israeli Embassy in Budapest with Ambassador Ilan Mor

Reading in Dresden

Joins the RCW literary agency in London

Publication of The World Goes On by Magvető Publishing

Lecture at the The German School of Budapest – Thomas Mann High School

Book launch in Budapest, Pécs, Veszprém, Tatabánya, Szeged and Miskolc

Proofreading the manuscript of Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens for Seagull Publishing House in Mumbai

Satantango wins the Best Translated Book Award 2013 (Translated by George Szirtes)

The reception of the Mihály Babits Memorial Prize for Literary Authorship at the Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest

Spycher Prize in Switzerland (Leuk, Bern, Basel)

Seiobo There Below published in English by New Directions, translator: Ottilie Mulzet

French edition of Isaiah Has Come, translated by Joëlle Dufeuilly, published by Cambourakis

Interviews and readings at the Festivaletteratura 2013 in Mantua

Travels to Florence – S. Marco, Fra Angelico

French edition of War and War, translated by Joëlle Dufeuilly, published by Cambourakis

Readings and talks at the Belgrade Book Festival

Readings and talks on the Serbian edition of The Melancholy of Resistance

Croatian edition of The Last Wolf

Essay in The New York Times

The Bill – published by Sylph Editions

Talk with Jutta Hausmann at the Petőfi Literary Museum

Travels in India – Delhi, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

2014: László Krasznahorkai 60. on the occasion of his birthday “K.L. 6.0” series opening event at the Rózsavölgyi Salon in Budapest

Presentation of the new edition of War and War – K.L. 6.0 event at the Writers’ Shop in Budapest

Inaugural meeting of the K-Archivum, the K.L. 6.0 literary heritage archive

László Krasznahorkai searching for his place – K.L. 6.0 event at the Petőfi Literary Museum

Lecture at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Lecture at the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences as part of the K.L. 6.0 series of events

Discussion at the Molnár Ferenc Literary Salon in Eger

The Bill book launch lecture at the Renaissance Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts – the fifth event of the K.L. 6.0 series

Dialogue with the Krasznahorkai works – reading theatre from the works of László Krasznahorkai in the Rózsavölgyi Szalon

Croatian and Turkish editions of War and War

Visiting Professor at Columbia University in New York

Readings and discussion at Columbia University

Ottilie Mulzet’s translation of Seiobo There Below wins the Best Translated Book Award 2014 in the prose category

Reading and discussion with Forrest Gander at Brown University

Travels to Arrowhead, Massachusetts

Reading and discussion at PEN World Voices Festival, New York

Reading at European Voices in Translation Festival, Boston

America Award in Literature 2014

Vilenica Award Ceremony, Vilenica

Events at the 29th Annual Vilenica International Literary Festival (Trieste, Lokev, Ljubjana)

Swedish edition of The Melancholy of Resistance Spycher Prize in Switzerland – Leuk

The final event of the “K.L. 6.0” series with Joachim Sartorius, Max Neumann, Thuon Burtevitz, Ulrich Schreiber and Verena Aufermann at the Berlin International Literary Festival

Reading and discussion in Timisoara

Reading at the ZKM Theatre and discussion at the Booksa Literary Club in Zagreb

Croatian edition of The Melancholy of Resistance

The subject is infinite – discussion at the Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest

2015: German edition of The World Goes On

New York Public Library’s Cullman Fellowship 2015/2016

Nominated for The Man Booker International Prize 2015

Reading and discussion at the Passa Porta Festival in Brussels

Spanish edition of Seiobo There Below

Greek edition of War and War

Reading and discussion at the residence of Israeli Ambassador Ilan Mor

Meeting with Robert Wilson in Budapest

French edition of Relations of Grace

Interview in The Guardian

Working on the manuscript of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming

Interview in Népszabadság

Guest of the Guardian Live before the award ceremony of The Man Booker International Prize 2015 

Lunch with the French Ambassador at the Ambassador's residence in London

Wins The Man Booker International Prize 2015

Interviews in The Guardian, BBC, etc.

Guest of Honour at the Hay Festival (Hay-on-Wye, Wales)

Spycher Prize in Leuk, Switzerland

Meeting with Péter Eötvös about his opera based on The Last Wolf

The Swedish edition of Satantango

New York Public Library Cullman Center Fellow

Reading and discussion at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Working on the manuscript of The Manhattan Project (A Manhattan-terv) and Spadework for a Palace (Aprómunka egy palotáért) in New York, Nantucket and New Bedford

Last long talk with Péter Esterházy

Visit to Bartók House, Bronx

Attendance at Henry Grimes’ birthday party in New York

First meeting with Alexandra Wagner

Talk with Eli Keszler about a joint literary-musical project

Talk with Diane Lewis about Lebbeus Woods in Gramercy Park, New York

Reading and talk with Salman Rushdie at Y92, New York

2016: The New York Public Library Cullman Center Fellow

Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens is published in English

Readings and discussion at Brown University

Participation in the Hopp Ferenc Museum of Asian Art, Budapest “In the Footsteps of Prince Genghis Khan – Japan in Image and Writing”

Ornan Rotem creates a photo diary of Krasznahorkai in New York

War and War and The Melancholy of Resistance, UK editions

Reading at the eightieth anniversary party of the founding of New Directions in New York.

Cullman Fellowship ends in May

Serbian-language edition of Satantango

The Melancholy of Resistance is released in Macedonian and French

Shooting of Adam Breier’s documentary in Budapest

Hungarian edition of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming (Báró Wenckheim hazatér)

Dark book launch at the Pesti Theatre

Hungarian reading tour of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming

Stays on the island of Korčula – joint literary project with the Multimedijalni Institut MaMa

Reading and discussion at Literarischer Salon International in Cologne

2017: War and War in Vietnamese

The Melancholy of Resistance in Hebrew

The Last Wolf in the UK

Seiobo There Below published in Macedonian and Croatian

The Melancholy of Resistance in Greek

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming is awarded the Aegon Prize, the most prestigious book award in Hungary honouring the best Hungarian contemporary fiction from the previous year

The shooting of Adam Breier’s documentary continues in Budapest and Berlin

A reading of Chasing Homer (Mindig Homérosznak) in Max Neumann’s Berlin studio

Adam Thirwell’s first interview with the Paris Review

"Bach and the Impossible" – A theatre performance based on Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming at MÜPA Budapest

"Re-reading" – a discussion on Satantango at the Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest

The World Goes On is nominated for the Best Translated Book Award 2017

Satantango is nominated for the Premio Strega Europe (Rome) and the Gregor von Rezzori (Florence)

Mitsuo Sasaki visits Hungary

Meeting William Basinski in Berlin

The Melancholy of Resistance nominated for Europese Literatuurprijs 2017

"Author of the Month" – London Review Bookshop

The Manhattan Project is published in English first

The World Goes On in the New York edition of the Publisher Weekly

Presentation of the Manhattan Project at the Berlin International Literature Festival and the Hoffmann Gallery

Second interview with Adam Thirwell for The Paris Review

Croatian edition of The World Goes On

Arabic edition of Satantango, Cairo-Beirut-Tunis

English edition of The World Goes On

Chinese edition of Satantango, translator: Yu Zemin

2018: Satantango is China’s Book of the Year

Krasznahorkai is shortlisted for The Man Booker International Prize for the second time: now with the English translation of The World Goes On

Paperback edition of The Last Wolf in the UK

French translation of Seiobo There Below by Editions Cambourakis, translator: Joëlle Dufeuilly

Reading tour of the French edition of Seiobo There Below

The Manhattan Project is published in Hungarian by Magvető Publishing House. A special theatre premiere based on The Manhattan Project at the Margó Literary Festival in Budapest

The Last Wolf is published in Tallinn, Estonia, translator: Reet Klettenberg

The American Literary Translators Association shortlists The World Goes On for the National Translation Award

German translation of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming, Frankfurt

Swedish translation of Seiobo There Below shortlisted for The Kulturhuset Stadsteatern International Literary Prize 2018

Publication of Spadework for a Palace in Hungary by Magvető

Readings in Madrid

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming is the book of the month in November in Germany

Reading tour of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming in Germany: Frankfurt am Main, Potsdam

Korean edition of Satantango, Seoul

Greek edition of Satantango, Athens

The Melancholy of Resistance in Italian, translated by Dóra Mészáros and Bruno Ventavoli

The Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca awards him the title of doctor honoris causa

2019: Readings and discussions in Thessaloniki and Athens with the Greek edition of Seiobo There Below

Seiobo There Below is published in South Korea and Norway

Turkish edition of The World Goes On

Croatian edition of Chasing Homer

Book launch of the Croatian edition of Chasing Homer at FESS in Zagreb

Readings in Belgrade, Vienna

Reading with Icelandic author Sjón at the Louisiana Literature Festival

Readings in Malmö and Oslo

Danish edition of Satantango

French edition of The Last Wolf

English edition of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming, translator: Ottilie Mulzet

Publication of Chasing Homer by Magvető Publishing House

Presentation of the Dutch edition of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming at the Crossing Border Festival

Readings in The Hague and Brussels

Both author and English translator of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming win the National Book Award

Reading in Milan

The Melancholy of Resistance in Russian. Translation by Viacheslav Sereda

2020: Relations of Grace in Chinese by Zhejiang Literary and Art Publishing, translator Yu Zemin

The Last Wolf in Swedish by P A Norstedt & Söner AB, translator: Daniel Gustafsson

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming is on the shortlist of the Dutch Europese Literatuurprijs

Following the English, German, Dutch and Italian editions, new foreign language editions of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming are in preparation (French, Spanish, Norwegian, Russian, Croatian, Greek, Korean, Chinese, Turkish, Danish and Brazilian Portuguese)

Krasznahorkai wins the award of the Greek literary magazine, for the most important sentence of the year, taken from Satantango, translated by Ioanna Avramidou

Second edition of The Last Wolf, published by Magvető

War and War in Italian, published by Bompiani, Milan, translated by Dóra Várnai

New English edition of The Last Wolf, published by Tuskar Rock, London, translator Ottilie Mulzet (the new translation is based on the work of George Szirtes)

2021: New novel Herscht 07769 is published by Magvető

The author receives the Österreichischer Staatspreis für Europaeische Literatur (Austrian State Prize for European Literature) from Secretary of State Andrea Mayer at the Salzburger Festspiele at the Mozarteum in Salzburg

Herscht 07769 in German, published by S. Fischer, translated by Heike Flemming

Seiobo There Below in Italian, translated by Dóra Várnai, published by Bompiani

Chasing Homer is published in the United States with music by Szilveszter Miklós and illustrations by Max Neumann (translated by John Batki, publisher: New Directions)

The German edition of Herscht 07769 leads the ORF Bestenliste in December

The Romanian edition of Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming, published by Pandora M, translated by Ildikó Gábos-Foarţă

Audiobook version of Chasing Homer with music by Szilveszter Miklós is published

2022: Readings and conversations in Rome, Eisenstadt, Graz and Vienna

Herscht 07769 wins the seventh Libri Prize, award ceremony in Budapest

Reading and conversation in Venice

The Dutch edition of War and War published by Wereldbibliotheek, translated by Mari Alföldy

The Melancholy of Resistance in Finnish, published by Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teos publishing house, translated by Minnamari Pitkänen

Essay in The New York Times, translated by Ottilie Mulzet

Reading tour in Germany with Herscht 07769 (Frankfurt, Berlin, Jena, Weimar)

Vietnamese edition of Satantango by Nha Nam Publishing in Hanoi, translated by Giap Van Chung

Korean edition of Seiobo There Below

László Krasznahorkai receives the Serbian Milovan Vidaković Prize: he receives the lifetime achievement award at the opening of the Prosefest international prose festival in Novi Sad

Publication of Spadework for a Palace in New York in the Storybook ND book series edited by writer and translator Gini Alhadeff for New Directions

Italian edition of Herscht 07769 by Bompiani, translated by Dóra Várnai

The English edition of A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East by New Directions, translated by Ottilie Mulzet

Participant in the Nexus Institute's roundtable discussion “The War and the Future” in Amsterdam

Premiere of the stage adaptation of Herscht 07769 at the Theater Rudolstadt in Thuringia on 26 November 2022. The police guard the event because of neo-Nazi attacks on the theatre building and staff in the days before the premiere

2023: Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming is published by Éditions Cambourakis in Paris (translated by Joëlle Dufeuilly)

Norwegian edition of Herscht 07769 by Cappelen Damm, Oslo (translated by Ove Lund)

War and War is shortlisted for the Dutch European Prize for Literature

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming wins the French Laure Bataillon Prize (past winners include Bohumil Hrabal, John Updike, W.G. Sebald and Daniil Harms). The prize also honours translator Joëlle Dufeuilly

Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming is on the shortlist for the French Prix Médicis 2023

Spanish edition of Relations of Grace is published by Acantilado (translated by Adan Kovacsic)

On the author’s 70th birthday, S. Fischer Verlag publishes Im Wahn der Anderen, a volume of three shorter texts (AnimalInside, Chasing Homer, and Spadework for a Palace translated by Heike Flemming).

In its 2023/24 season, the Hungarian State Opera will present the first opera by Péter Eötvös written in Hungarian, a musical stage adaptation of the novel The Melancholy of Resistance (the libretto is written by Kinga Keszthelyi and Mari Mezei based on the novel, the director is by Bence Varga).

2024: The novel Zsömle odavan is published by Magvető

Gábor Szabó’s monogpraph, View from the Last Ship. The prose world of László Krasznahorkai is published by Magvető

Paperback edition of The World Goes On published by New Directions