Jókai Anna: Picture gallery
11 hónaposan
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A gangon
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Anyjával és nővérével
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Nővérével, Magdával
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A Mária Terézia téri Mintaiskola diákjaként (x-szel jelölve)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Iskolai bálon, hét évesen
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Érettségizőként, 1951
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A kezdő író, 1968
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A Jázmin utcai iskola tantestülete, 1969 június (az ülő sor bal szélén)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A hatvanas évek végén
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A hatvanas évek végén
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Fodor Andrással a hetvenes évek elején
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Könyvhét megnyitója Debrecenben, 1973. június 2.
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A Könyvhét pécsi megnyitóján, Takáts Gyulával, 1975
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A Tokaji Írótáborban, 1975
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Portré 1976-ból
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Dunaszerdahelyen, 1977 április
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Kortárs-est, 1978. január 23.
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Író-olvasó találkozón, munkások közt, Óbuda, 1978. június 8.
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Jákob lajtorjáján, a gárdonyi kertben, 1981
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Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Ötven esztendősen, 1982
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Portré, 1984
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Bolgár Kulturális Központban, Nikolinka Atanaszova, Jókai Anna, Juhász Ferenc, Somogyi Tóth Sándor, 1984. november 26.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Gyilkos-tónál, 1985
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A szigligeti alkotóházban, 1985
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A Nemzeti Baráti Körben Sinkovits Imre, Sütő András, Jókai Anna, Ablonczy László, 1989 június
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az Írószövetség alelnökeként Svédországban, 1989
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Szépfalusi Istvánnal Bécsben, 1990. március 3.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az Írószövetség elnökeként megnyitja az Ünnepi Könyvhetet, 1991
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Boór Jánossal, a Mérleg főszerkesztőjével és családjával Münchenben, 1991
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A Luganói Tanulmányi Napok vendége Svájcban, 1991
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Jókai Anna, Csoóri Sándor és Tőkés László Arany János marosvásárhelyi szobrának avatásán, 1992
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Az Írószövetség elnöke, 1992
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60. születésnapja az Írószövetségben, 1992
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Köszöntése 60. születésnapján, a Fészek Klubban (Szabó Magda, Göncz Árpád, Jókai Anna, Mándy Iván)
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Dedikálás, 1995
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Szepes Máriát köszönti 90. születésnapján a Fészekben, 1998
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Pátkai Róbert evangélikus püspökkel
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A Frankfurti Könyvvásáron, 1999
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Frankfurt, 1999
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Irodalmi estjén Münchenben, 2002 június
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A Várkonyi Nándor-konferencián, 2002
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70. születésnap a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeumban, 2002
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70. születésnap
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Szakonyi Károly köszönti 70. születésnapján a Magyar Rádióban
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Dedikálás a Budapesti Nemzetközi Könyvfesztiválon, 2003
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Portré 2003-ból
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Majzik Mária Ima Magyarországért című domborművének avatása a Minden Szentek Templomában, 2004 január
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A Radnóti Gimnázium Tanulmányi Napok megnyitója, 2004 április
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Ünnepi Könyvhét, Szent István tér, 2004
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DIA-tagok (1998, DIA)
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DIA-tagok (1998, DIA)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna (1998, DIA)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna, Takáts Gyula, Lator László és Szakonyi Károly (1998, DIA)
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Határné Prágai Piroska, Lengyel Balázs, Jókai Anna (1999, DIA)
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Lator László, Orbán Ottó, Jókai Anna (2000, DIA)
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Lázár Ervin, Jókai Anna (2000, DIA)
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Jókai Anna, Csukás István (2000, DIA)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna (2000, DIA)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna, Gergely Ágnes (2007, DIA)
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Gyurkovics Tibor, Szakonyi Károly és Jókai Anna (2004, DIA)
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Jókai Anna és Dobos László (2006, DIA)
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Bengi László, Kabdebó Lóránt, Jókai Anna és Dobos László (2006, DIA)
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Gyurkó László, Jókai Anna (2007, DIA)
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Jókai Anna (2007, DIA)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna (2011, DIA)
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Jókai Anna (2013, DIA)
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Liptay Katalin, Jókai Anna és Havas Judit a Tárgyeset című beszélgetéssorozat estjén (2015, PIM)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jókai Anna a Tárgyeset-esten (2015, PIM)
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Jókai Anna (2016, DIA)
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