Tandori Dezső: Manuscripts
Tandori Dezső kéziratai
Koan I.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Minden ugy kitágult...
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Tandori Dezső rajzai
„A többi néma csend!” (1979/2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A madár? Vagy a tojás? (1979/2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A madár? Vagy a tojás? A szüszifoszi kő (1980-as évek)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Hány km a szüszifoszi kő? Vázlat
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Két vándormadár (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az örökláng vándormadár (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az Idő Örök Csillaga (1989)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Mindenki sziget. Vázlat (1990/2000)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Mindenki sziget. * és eróziója (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Mindenki sziget. Színház, függöny. Vázlat (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A pokol útja is Mindenki Szigettel van kikövezve (2000-es évek)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Zord intelem a halnak (1988/2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csodálatos halászat (2001)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Nem tudnak betelni az örökléttel (2001/2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Pliz und Glückspilz (2001/2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A bűvész feldobja a talpát (2008)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A bűvész feldobja a talpát (2008)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A zárójeles láng (2008)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az ember: a pont a pín (2008)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az ember: a pont a pín (2008)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az ember: a pont a pín (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Az Idő és a Tér (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Homokóra. Az Idő vasfogai (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Hérakleitosz vízimalma (2009)
Hérakleitosz vízimalma (2009) Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.