Örkény István: Picture gallery
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Édesanyjával és húgával
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Édesanyjával és húgával
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István az 1930-as évek elején
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István az 1930-as években
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István az 1930-as években
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István - a gyógyszerészhallgató
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény első feleségével, Gönczi Flórával
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István katonaruhában
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István katonaruhában
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Radnóti Zsuzsával a 60-as években
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Dr. Ajtai Miklós átadja a Kossuth-díj II. Fokozata kitüntetést
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Radnóti Zsuzsával és Jötti nevű kutyájával (Fotó: Nádas Péter, 1976)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Radnóti Zsuzsával és Jötti nevű kutyájával (Fotó: Nádas Péter, 1976)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Radnóti Zsuzsával (Fotó: Nádas Péter, 1976)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István (Fotó: Nádas Péter, 1976)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Jötti nevű kutyájával
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Sütő András, Örkény István és Juhász Ferenc a Nemzeti Színházban Sütő András Káin és Ábel című drámájának ősbemutatóján (Fotó: Benkő Imre, 1978)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Vas Istvánnal
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Várkonyi Zoltánnal
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István (Fotó: Koncz Zsuzsa)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István visszahallgatja a hangfelvételt, melyen véleményt mond Moldován Domonkos Halottlátó asszony című filmjéről.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Nádas Péternek átadja a Füst Milán-díjat (1978)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István Kazimir Károllyal
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Mészöly Miklóssal dedikál
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Örkény István
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.