Pályi András: Picture gallery
Szülei, Gál Margit és Pályi Sándor megismerkedésük idején (1933)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Karonülő korában (1943)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Érettségi tablókép (1961)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Svájci rokonlátogatás, ismerkedés a helyi sajtóval (Birsfelden, 1977)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Rektenwald Zsókával Bécsben a Magyar Műhely találkozó után (1981)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Színház szerkesztőségében, Koltai Tamással, Nánay Istvánnal és Szántó Judittal (1988)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Magyar Napló Bécsben – Mészöly Miklóssal, Reményi József Tamással (1990)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A varsói Magyar Kulturális Intézet igazgatójaként (1991)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Intézetigazgatók minisztériumi értekezlete – Kurucz Gyulával, a berlini igazgató (1992)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Keserü Ilona köszöntése Varsóban – Keserü kiállítás az Intézetben (1992)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Engelmayer Ákos magyar nagykövettel és Jerzy Snopek későbbi budapesti lengyel nagykövettel (Varsó, 1992)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Fiaival, Márkkal, Lászlóval, Ferenccel a 301-es parcellánál (2002)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Feleségével, Németh Nórával 2002-ben
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Parti Nagy Lajossal vendégként a varsói Intézetben (2005)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Felolvasás a Szépírók Társasága közgyűlése után (2005)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Szépíródíj ünnepélyes átadása – Barnás Ferenccel (2006)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Darabos Enikővel Az én határain interjúköteten dolgozva (2009)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Volt egyszer egy Közép-Európa, konferencia (PIM, 2016)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A hetvenöt éves Pályi András köszöntése (PIM, 2017)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Radics Viktória beszélget Pályi Andrással az ünnepségen (PIM, 2017)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Nagyapaként a legifjabb Pályival (2019)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A biztonságot nyújtó karosszékben (2023)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Jerzy Heintze Pályi Andrásról készített grafikája (1993)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.