Csorba Győző: Manuscripts
A Virág virág virág, a Talán elkésett üzenet és a Triptichon amoris című versek kézirata
Virág virág virág
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Talán elkésett üzenet 1
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Talán elkésett üzenet 2
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Triptichon amoris
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Naplóbejegyzés a Pécsett pihenő Kassák Lajossal való találkozásról (1965)
Naplóbejegyzés a Pécsett pihenő Kassák Lajossal való találkozásról (1965)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata 1
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata 2
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata 3
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata 4
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző Kálnoky Lászlóhoz írt leveleinek kézirata 5
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
A Remény nélkül, Kit nyugtalan ágyad... és Május című versek gépirata, Csorba Győző javításaival
A Remény nélkül
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Kit nyugtalan ágyad...
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.
Csorba Győző autográf levele Dévényi Ivánnak (Pécs, 1962)
Csorba Győző autográf levele Dévényi Ivánnak (Pécs, 1962)
Disclosure rights for photographs on the DIA have been made available by their respective owners solely for the purpose of this site. The photos are not the property of the Petofi Literary Museum, so we cannot make them available to researchers and inquirers.